
Thank you Miss Christine for a great experience at my first BDA competition !!
~Gracie (aka squiggs)

Hi Miss Christine,

As a parent, I just want to say THANK YOU!!  Once again, you and your staff were wonderful!  It was a great (and exhausting) weekend. Production was so impressive...beautiful!!!

Thanks for all you do,


Hi Christine,

The evening recital was fantastic!  My family was so impressed with all of the dances saying things such as "I feel like I'm watching dancing with the stars" and my husband in particular, who has NO dancing ability - at all - no joke, thought the tap "Stairway to Heaven" routine was phenomenal.


Miss Chrisine,

Thanks so much for everything!  It really shows how much you care about all the kids! I stayed and watched all 3 shows and enjoyed every minute of each show!
gain, the kids, teachers, student teachers, moms, dads, and of course, Miss Alice and Miss Fran.  Everyone is so wonderful.

Thank you,


Congratulations, Christine!  What a beautiful show.  You truly out did yourself – the organization, the support from your staff, friends and family, all the performances and most of all, as I told you yesterday, the dance with you and your daughter.  I cried, it was so amazing, especially when you carried her.  It was so emotional - it doesn’t matter how big and tall and grown up they get, a mom  can and will always be able to “carry” their baby girl.  Awww.  Loved the whole thing.  You are wonderful!  Congratulations again.

Hi Christine..... Congratulations!!! Yesterday's shows were amazing!!!! Everyone did great!!! Loved the teachers dance and watching you and Alycia dance it was very moving.   You and your staff did a great job!!!



I wanted to thank you for the entertainment this past weekend at the West Babylon HS.  My son Matthew Mattina really enjoyed himself and that means the world to me and his Mom.    Again thank you for your energy and devotion to youth arts.

Kind regards,


Good Morning Ms. Christine!  I hope you got a good night sleep after this weekend!  Just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on another great competition!  Also just wanted to say THANK YOU to you and all your staff.  I was so proud of Ben & Maddie this weekend!  Not only are they growing and developing as dancers, but they are building their confidence.  I really believe that would not be who they are today without you guys.  They leave BDA beaming and smiling every week.  Thanks again for everything!

Thanks for the wonderful experience you have given Briana thus far and thanks for taking the time on Saturday to advise me on what you think would be best for her going forward.
~Mike Neary

Miss Christine, The entire show was wonderful. We are all very lucky to be part of such a beautiful experience. I just want to personally thank you because even though Olivia only did the finale, she was so happy to be there. If it wasnt for you giving her that time to build her self confidence and not pushing her, she may never have gotten up there. She was so thrilled to have done the finale dance. I am so proud of her. And for Julia, I was shocked to see her do what she did! Such a quiet girl, but she must feel extremely comfortable to do that with and for you. All I can say is that I hope you know how loved you are by us all. I know I run in and out every week but just wanted to say yesterday was really a magical moment for me as well as every other parent sitting in the audience! God bless you and your family. Sincerely, Lena and Tom Harris P.S. Do you have any recommendations for Juilas class in the fall.? Can she do hip hop again? What about jazz? Would like to know your feedback. She has taken tap and ballet.

I just wanted to say thanks again for making this weekend so special.  The show was magnificent, I mean over the top magnificent!  People were raving about how grand it was, like right off of Broadway.  You work so hard and it shows in all the children’s performances.  As a parent I’m proud to have my daughter dancing at BDA.  Sara couldn’t stop talking about the show.  Great job to all.
On a personal note, what you said to me privately on stage was very special to me.  I’m so glad I was able to give you what you always wanted.  Nothing move me like making someone truly happy enough that they come to tears.  I was truly touched by your works, thank you.
All of my love to you, John and your wonderful family,


Thank you so much for a great day yesterday!  The girls LOVED performing and the recitals were EXCELLENT!  Thank you for sharing your love of dance and the performing arts with my daughters.  You have really enriched their lives!  They love coming to dance/musical theatre.
Keep up the great work!

~Christine P.

The show was excellent!
I enjoyed every minute!  I can’t thank you enough for all your hard work and dedication to our kids! It certainly showed!

~Denise S.

Thank you so much for coordinating such an amazing show on Sunday!  As you know, this is our first dance experience, and I feel fortunate that we chose BDA for Andre.  Not only was the show (and ticket sales) well organized and coordinated, but the performers were really amazing!  It was so nice to see the full spectrum of performing art!  You and Michelle are both incredible, knowledgeable teachers—kind, patient, always positive attitudes!  In addition, Alice is SO amazing with Andre, and all of the parents and kids in the lobby.  She is always happy to answer all of my questions, even when I am easily confused, and she is always caring and helpful with Andre.  Even when she is bombarded with kids waiting for lollipops, phones ringing, and parents hovering over the desk, she is ALWAYS smiling, patient and helpful!  She’s the best☺  Alice and the other staff was also so accommodating and organized at the recital.  It was comforting to see how well they all looked after the kids, making sure that they, and their parents, were all happy!  I’m happy that I had the opportunity to volunteer and that Andre had such an amazing and fun experience this past school-year!
~Cara M.

Hi Christine what a wonderful weekend.  We all enjoyed so much!!!  Thank you again.
~The Webers

First of all I would just like to congratulate you on an outstanding job!!  The recital was beautiful and it was such a great group of dancers and a talented teaching staff.  Congratulations again!!!

Thanks Christine!  Congrats to you too!  Both shows were amazing and Sammy had an amazing day….me too!  Thanks for all you do and your staff too!

It was a little crazy yesterday so I didn’t get a chance to tell you when we were leaving.  My parents are grandparents of 14 kids.  11 of them are girls.  They have seen their share of recitals.  After the show they came to me and said it was the best one by far they had ever been to.  They were at my nieces this past weekend and said it was tough to stay awake.  Just wanted to let you know and make sure you got the compliment.  I got to see the hard work first hand and you deserve all the credit for a great job.  My daughter loves the school and loves you and the teachers and hearing things like I did make it that much better.
~Jason B.

Congratulation to you and your staff for an outstanding show! 
The kids were amazing!!!  See you this week


Congrats to Miss Christine and BDA!
What a great recital.  Thank you for teaching Briana N (Tiki Room-Sat 10:30am) another year of dance.  It was a great success and a beautiful show.

~Rosa N.


Miss Chrisine,

Thanks so much for everything!  It really shows how much you care about all the kids! I stayed and watched all 3 shows and enjoyed every minute of each show!
gain, the kids, teachers, student teachers, moms, dads, and of course, Miss Alice and Miss Fran.  Everyone is so wonderful.

Thank you,


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